Founded in 2010
CityChoice Medical & Diagnostic is committed to providing the highest standards of medical and diagnostic healthcare services.
Founded in 2010 with the goal of providing high-quality medical services from our Glendale, Queens office to its surrounding areas. CityChoice is committed t providing the highest standards of healthcare services to our patients, with a team of understanding and knowledgeable physicians, along with the consulting services of a board-certified cardiologist/radiologist.
Services include Adult Routine Care, Geriatrics, Women’s and LGBTQ Healthcare.
Proud Partners
In-home Services
CityChoice Medical & Diagnostics provides in-home services for Immobile, Severely Obese, Geriatrics, Disabled or Post-op patients in the comfort of their homes and have a familiarity with the medical staff.
Current Partnerships:
Through these partnerships, CityChoice Medical & Diagnostics will be able to bring optimized healthcare in Rx refills, Medicare-Annual Wellness Visits, Preventive Care & Colorectal Cancer Screening and more.
Vytalize, a third-party ACO (Accountable Care Organization) where groups of doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare providers come together voluntarily to give coordinated high-quality care to their Medicare patients.
Stellar Health, a third-party affiliate who helps to bridge the gap in patient’s healthcare through medical tasks laid out on their platform, which is monitored daily by CityChoice medical staff.
VaxCare, a third-party affiliate who partners up with medical facilities to provide vaccines to their patients.
The goal of coordinated care is to ensure that patients get the right care at the right time, while avoiding unnecessary duplication of services and preventing medical errors.